Understand Your Skin and Get Recommendations From Skincare Experts.
At Coachlight, our expert skin care consultation incorporates the use of the VISIA Skin Analysis.
VISIA Skin Analysis offers the most comprehensive and precise skin complexion analysis available to allow our skin care team to specifically design an individualized skin care treatment regimen for you.
Visia Skin Analysis Reviews the Following Concerns

VISIA analyzes your skin not only on the outside but also below the surface. VISIA uses multi-spectral imaging to provide an instantly clear, three-dimensional portrait of your complexion. The VISIA analysis is done before and after your treatment so you can see the improvement in your skin.
How VISIA Skin Analysis Works
A VISIA imaging session takes just a few minutes to provide you and your skin care consultant with a wealth of information about your skin. VISIA will capture three views of your face and the amazing software does the rest. The VISIA uses multi-spectral imaging and analysis to provide information on 6 areas affecting skin complexion: wrinkles, spots, pores, tone, porphyrins (evidence of bacteria in pores), and UV spots (sun damage). In addition, VISIA provides a comparison of your complexion and skin analysis to those of other men and women of your same age and ethnicity.
One of our skin care experts will use this information to make recommendations on at-home skin care products, facials, peels, lasers, and many other treatments available at Coachlight Clinic & Spa locations. We provide details of your imaging session and recommended rejuvenation and skin care options.

VOTED 2023 Best Place Des Moines for Non-Surgical Cosmetic Treatment

Why Choose Coachlight Clinic?
- At Coachlight, we provide a one-hour VISIA Skin Analysis at no charge.
- Our aesthetic advisors have years of experience in skin care, lasers, and other treatments to improve and maintain your healthy skin.
- No other medical spa and plastic surgery group in the greater Des Moines area offers the number and variety of laser services.
- We have thousands of happy patients and the majority of our new patients come from direct referrals from previous clients.
If you would like to schedule a complimentary skincare consultation and VISIA Skin Analysis, please call the office at 515.221.4905 or email us today!
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Coachlight is known as a destination of beauty and wellness and Iowa’s top medical aesthetic provider, serving guests with Des Moines Plastic Surgery for over 15 years.
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What People Are Saying
Coachlight is known as a destination of beauty and wellness and Iowa’s top medical aesthetic provider, serving guests with Des Moines Plastic Surgery for over 15 years.