Timing is Everything

Timing is Everything

When choosing the correct beauty or aesthetic procedure, timing is as important as the procedure or product itself. For example, laser treatments or even a chemical peel can be harmful to your skin if done too quickly after exposed to the sun. Here’s a couple other timing tips to help you understand when you should…

A is for Antioxidants

A is for Antioxidants

You’ve heard of the importance of antioxidants in fruits and vegetables, but did you know that antioxidants play a huge role in anti-aging and repairing the damage to your skin? What do antioxidants do for my skin? Antioxidants are nutrients and enzymes that help to prevent and repair damage to your skin. They do this…

R is for Retinol

R is for Retinol

Of all the steps in the GRASS skin regimen, retinol is one of the most important and proven products to combat aging. Out of the thousands of creams and serums promising to turn back the clock and reverse the signs of aging, retinol is the only one considered to be the gold standard for treatment…